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Hartzell Engine Technologies Receives FAA PMA For The Design And Manufacturing Of A Series Of New Starter Adapters For Continental Engines

July 27, 2020

Montgomery, AL (July 27, 2020) — Representatives of Hartzell Engine Technologies (HET) announced today that the company recently received FAA PMA (Parts Manufacturer Approval) for a new line of starter adapters for Continental Aerospace piston aircraft engines.

“As with all of Hartzell Engine Technologies’ product families, our Sky-Tec brand represents the highest levels of quality, innovation, and value,” stated HET’s president, Keith Bagley. “Our engineering teams have worked hard to identify issues with legacy starter adapters. We’ve taken that information and made some significant refinements in the manufacturing processes, which has enabled us to produce units that are much more robust.”

“After hundreds of hours of testing and evaluation, we recently received FAA PMA for the new line of Sky-Tec starter adapters that are drop-in replacements on Continental engines,” he added. “We are extremely confident that these new-generation units will deliver unparalleled reliability and performance.”

“In many instances, these legacy components have been difficult for operators to find,” he says. “We already have the new Sky-Tec starter adapters in full production and are available for immediate shipment in factory new and factory rebuilt condition.”

As with all Hartzell Engine Technology products and components, the new line of Sky-Tec FAA PMA starter adapters, to include complete units as well as the detail parts required to maintain them, will be available factory-direct through Quality Aircraft Accessories (QAA), as well as its authorized North American distributor, Aircraft Spruce. International sales are through Hartzell Engine Technologies’ current international distributors.

New Sky-Tec starter adapter for Continental engines.
HET technician, David Bickhaus assembling a new Sky-Tec starter adapter.

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